Wiehan Brown – Sorg vir weduwees
Sermon slides: http://www.shofarsermons.org/secunda/240519_Wiehan_Brown_Sorg_vir_weduwees.pptx
Sermon slides: http://www.shofarsermons.org/secunda/240519_Wiehan_Brown_Sorg_vir_weduwees.pptx
Sermon Slides: http://www.shofarsermons.org/secunda/240519_Wiehan_Brown_Care_for_widows.pptx
Sermon slides: https://bit.ly/3yjXhLG
Sermon slides: https://bit.ly/44Ot6Zd
Sermon slides: https://bit.ly/3ww7Vyg
Sermon Slides: https://bit.ly/3QyDw9s
Sermon Slides: https://bit.ly/3UBCEmN
Sermon Slides: https://bit.ly/3Qo1vrR
What is the enemy’s primary target in our lives? How do we receive the Crown of Life? In this message, De Waal Esterhuizen shares key insights into these questions and reveals how you can flourish in the midst of adversity. “Receiving the Crown of Life” from the book of Revelation 2:10
Sermon Slides: https://bit.ly/3xRoqp5