New Testament Prophets – Andre Bronkhorst
Prophet Andre Bronkhorst shares insights on New Testament Prophets.
Hennie Coetzer – What now?
Service slides: https://bit.ly/3IW80fL
Hennie Coetzer – Wat nou?
Diens slides: https://bit.ly/3MJfc0X
Slaying Mental Illness – Sonika Kruger – Slaying Dragons Series Part 6
Mental illness is real, but Jesus paid the price for all our sicknesses, including struggles with our mental health.
Wiehan Brown – Fasting and Prayer
Sermon slide: https://bit.ly/35zNy5o
Wiehan Brown – Vas en Gebed
Diens slides: https://bit.ly/3poDRhs
Slaying Deception | André Kruger | Slaying Dragons Part V
The problem with deception is that it is so deceiving. You don’t know when you’re off track and missing the truth. In this message, André Kruger equips you with how to detect deception, what some of the primary tricks of the enemy are, and how to root it out of your life. You shall know the … Read more
Maree Verhoef – Rooted Part 6: Worship
Service slides: https://bit.ly/3t4QHCx
Maree Verhoef – Rooted Deel 6: Aanbidding
Diens slides: https://bit.ly/3shBe2I