Werner Joubert – Five Things Healthy Communities Believe
Sermon Slides: https://bit.ly/3b2YBqU
Sermon Slides: https://bit.ly/3b2YBqU
Sermon Slides: https://bit.ly/3uWLFcT
Do you struggle with tiredness or feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of life? One of the solutions God gives us to these challenges is to live a sustainable lifestyle by embracing the gift of the Sabbath. We are to remember the Sabbath day and to keep it holy. In this message, André Kruger shares about … Read more
Diens Slides: https://bit.ly/3OnWV9m
Sermon slides: https://bit.ly/3aqgrnJ
Diens Slides: https://bit.ly/3nUZgO9
Have you ever found yourself lost? With no idea of where you are or which direction you should be heading? We all have, often at several times in our lives. What if there was a tool to navigate our way through the trials and temptations of this life, that all of us are subject to? … Read more
Sermon slides: https://bit.ly/3yDWB1f
Sometimes we feel that we do everything right and still don’t receive the goodness that God promises. How can this be??? Deon Henning shares insights to help us get out of the “Orphan Corner”.